
Sex Discrimination Act campaign

The Sex Discrimination Act no longer protects women. The Tickle vs Giggle and Lesbian Action Group cases have made this obvious. In AF4WR we are campaigning to have the Act fixed in the leadup to the next Federal election. See our letter to the Prime Minister here and use the hashtag #RestoreWomensRights on social media.

Soon on this page you can find templates for letters to write to the PM and your local member, and if you are a member, you can join our Facebook discussion group here: to suggest and discuss ideas for action.

URGENT Action! Join the fight against sex self-ID in NSW

The NSW Parliament is expected to debate the so-called Equality Bill on Thursday 17 October and the following week. The media is reporting the Bill has the support of the Labor Government.

We need your help to let MPs know the full impact of this dangerous legislation!

The bill introduced by independent MP Alex Greenwich is an attack on the fundamental rights of women and children in NSW.

  • It allows any man to identify as female by signing a statutory declaration – meaning the end of single sex spaces, services and sport
  • Children to will be able to change their legal ‘sex’ without parental knowledge 
  • It removes barriers to commercial surrogacy in NSW
  • It makes it a criminal offence to use sex-based pronouns when referring to trans-identified people on social media. 

It is a draconian, misogynist bill that must be defeated. 

AF4WR has joined with Women’s Rights Network Australia (WRNA), LGB Alliance Australia (LGBAA) and Coalition of Activist Lesbians (CoAL) to lobby politicians from all parties to stop this bill going through.

Parliamentary inquiry 

In March, the Bill was referred to the NSW Parliamentary Committee on Community Services for an inquiry, with a report due to Parliament by June 2024. 

AF4WR was invited to make a submission to this inquiry. Our submission comprehensively outlines our concerns with the proposed legislation and provides links to examples and research from around the world demonstrating the dangers of self-ID and gender affirmation. 

Read our submission

Your help is vital.

  • Call your MP’s office and tell them you oppose the bill, and why. MP contact details are on the NSW Parliament website:
  • Email your MP to let them know the Equality Bill is dangerous for women and girls. Tell them you won’t vote for a party that supports the bill.  You can use our template letter.
  • Talk to your friends and family about what is happening.
  • Call talkback radio, write a letter to the editor, post and share information on social media to raise awareness.

More information

AF4WR, WRNA and CoAL has prepared an analysis of the Equality Bill.  This analysis has been sent to every NSW MP.